How did you get fluent at Japanese?

I am a non-native Japanese speaker. I have been in Japan quite a while and I speak Japanese (I have passed N2) and have worked in Japanese environments (but not in a role where communication skill was absolutely essential) but I am definitely not fluent.

For the past several years I feel like I have been stuck at a plateau in my Japanese where daily life is not a problem and I can have full conversations in Japanese but I have never felt fluent and still frequently get lost in complex conversations. My speaking has gotten significantly worse since I work in a mainly english speaking environment now. Now I am wondering how much effort it would be to actually become fluent but I don't know realistically know how much effort it would take.

I am just wondering what other people did to basically get over the plateau (or if you even hit a plateau) to feel like you actually became fluent in the language. Please share your stories! 🙇




I honestly believe, besides actively using the language, consuming media is the key to learning any language. Find something you enjoy, be it YouTube or Netflix or whatever, and consume it only in Japanese, with only Japanese subtitles. If you're at N2 you should be able to enjoy it while still learning. If possible, branch out to media related to topics you struggle to understand, such as business news or documentaries.

For me personally reading was most effective but the hurdle is higher.

All of Japanese fluent foreigners I know like to watch Japanese anime or/and drama (even some of them live outside Japan) while not fluent speakers who even have N2 like you don't watch such contents. This is my opinion from my actual point of view

As a non-Japanese, Japanese-native-speaker, Japanese is vastly different in its written form and spoken form.

If it’s speaking you are interested in, then osmosis or immersion is the best way. If you have to speak it, you will.

When doing so, you ideally want to do so with a group of people who are the same disposition, age group and gender as you as the cross combination of those 3 determine the appropriate language style.

Maybe a little tangential to your question but what value are you ascribing to fluency? The ease of communication? The sense of belonging? Defining your motivation may help you in your quest.

Good luck with your journey.
