


Being able to speak English is considered a skill in Japan, but that's not the case anywhere else really. So unless you have some hard skills that are so valuable for the employer, I think you will have a hard time trying to get a job. Though being able to work in the US would be a nice experience for sure.

If it wasn’t for the Russian-Ukrainian war and the UK economy being in such a shambles, I would strongly consider moving back.

Japan is convenient and mostly safe; my kid is on its way to being bilingual which is what keeps me here.

I don’t see a long term future in JPY nor the country’s economy. Earning non-JPY and visiting is my vision.

I don’t want to really, but visa issues and family obligations have made it challenging to leave. Not that only external factors are to blame— I also haven’t built the right career. J/E bilingualism is so valuable here that the path of least resistance has led me to rely on it a bit too much, and as a previous commenter noted, it’s not that useful outside of Japan.

I believe it's the safety environment here, Japanese working regulations (Employee friendly) and the amount of options which makes it easy to maintain good life regardless the salary

I’m grew up in Japan but went to US to study and work. Recently came back to Japan as my parents are here, I wanted to enjoy food and travel, and get that benefit of safety and medical support.


Food and safety.
